Remember The Titans Film Review: ✊?

Let me just start off by saying that I’m no mind reader but I would like to think that almost every person that has watched this movie has enjoyed it. I mean how could you not? The actors are amazing, the film angles we’re perfect, the script, the ideas. It’s quite simple actually, anyone who doesn’t like this movie must be crazy. And i’m going to prove that to you right here and now. How you may ask? Well let’s start with a little bit about the movie.

We start off in a town by the name of Alexandria, Virginia. Way back when (1970’s), this town would have been normal but now a days most people would look it in utter shock. The amount of racism that the people in this town produced is even more than all of the people in New Zealand’s racism combined. And because of this you can imagine what they would think if the school that there kids went to integrated. This story is about a football team and how they got over the challenge of being both black and white, and then go on not only open up there own minds, but everyone who lived in the towns minds too.

My favourite character would have to be… Cheryl I think, yea Cheryl. Now, before some people go and say that she was racist at the start and I shouldn’t like her and blah blah blah, let me tell you why I like her. Cheryl does start off racist, yes, but almost every white person at that time was, and Cheryl actually was one of the very first to understand, even before her own father at times. To me this shows that she is an independant, smart girl despite the impact of what girls we’re meant to be back then and even still a little now. She pushes the limits not only by accepting black people in a very racist town but also by being what she wants and not “sissy” as she always says. And we can’t forget as she says “I’m nine and a half, thank you very much”.

A big part of this story is the script and how effective it is. It makes you think, it gives you heaps of emotions, and most of all it’s empowering and full of inspiring sentences and quotes. There are so many scenes in the movie that would not be the same without the words spoken. For example, the scene when the titans are losing their game because of the racist referee, if coach Yoast hadn’t said what he said, to me it would just be another football game instead of an inspiring story about how they did something amazing all because of accepting coloured people. Now I know that you’re probably wondering what he said so I’ll tell you, he said “You make sure they remember, forever, the night they played the  Titans.”

Boaz Yakin, the director of this movie, I believe had great intentions and amazing ideas, I mean, how could the movie be as amazing as it is without both of those things. He shows that he really wants people to see and hear this inspiring story, and i’m not surprised, it really is an important part of our history isn’t it? It is clear that he wants everyone to be aware of the racism that has happened in the past, but also wants us to learn from our mistakes. Not only is his intentions amazings but also the cinematography of the film the angles and the way Boaz is able to catch all of the emotion in one scene just makes it better. For example, I really liked one scene of which a montage of all of the team having fun and creating memories was filmed. This scene shows that they all get along and like each other despite the colour of their skin.

I think after watching and writing about this movie we can say that it was bloody amazing. As i’ve said many times, this film is inspiring, humorous, emotion full and teaches us a valuable lesson. We do need to remember that although this was is past tense, this kind of thing still happens in the present and will probably happen in the future too. If we can take from the actions in this movie and ignore those damn rednecks we can achieve anything and help put racism to an end. We saw what has happened in Remember The Titans, and we saw how this movie was presented beautifully, so let’s take from it and make the way we treat coloured people beautiful too. Don’t be a bunch of sissy’s.

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